22-22 Apr 2024 Paris (France)

Scientific day in memory of Etienne Guyon

A scientific day in memory of Etienne Guyon will take place on Monday, April 22, 2024, from 9 AM to 6:30 PM in the Richelieu amphitheater at the Sorbonne (17 rue de la Sorbonne, Paris).

This day will be organized around Etienne's scientific life through short scientific presentations, testimonials, and experimental demonstrations. We will explore the themes that have defined Etienne's scientific life, from superconductivity to physical mechanics, including science communication and popularization.

The day will be followed by a reception (cocktail) at the Salle de Fête of the Mairie du 5ème, Place du Panthéon from 18:00 to 20:30 .

Participation in this day is free, but registration is requested.

The next day, the GDR MePhy is organizing a thematic day focused on elasticity and suspensions. Those interested can find more information on the GDR website at https://mephysociety.wordpress.com/.


Records of the day:




This event is organized thanks to the support of the laboratory PMMH, the ESPCI and the Fond ESPCI.


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